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Brentwood Business Awards Finalists!

Heart of Gold Team

We are so proud to be Finalists of the Brentwood Small to Medium Business of the Year! From being local in the high street since 1984, it's great to be recognised by the panel at ACL, and in the Brentwood Chamber of Commerce Awards.


The wonderful evening was hosted at the Mount Avenue Banqueting Suite. It was filled with delicious food and great entertainment with a brilliant singer all night long.

As the awards were presented it was inspiring to hear how innovative and hope-filled Brentwood Businesses are. The eclectic group of people there represent how diverse business in Brentwood is and we are excited to be part of this development.

We all thoroughly enjoyed the evening and look forward to what this will bring to the community that is Heart of Gold.

Check out our Facebook post to see a video of the very kind words the judges at ACL had to say about us.

Staff photo:

A final, and most important, thank you to all of our loyal customers that have made this opportunity possible. Without the support of the local community we would not have made it through so far. So from all of us at Heart of Gold "Thank You"!

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