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Connected. Not Distracted. Kronaby.

Heart of Gold Team

This summer be fully emmersed in your experiences not distracted by the constant buzz of your phone. How to do this? Check out the new smart watch from Kronaby, in our store today! It is designed to keep you connected, but not distracted.

This watch bridges the gap between a classic quartz mechanism and the current technological age. Some of the features include;

· Filtered notifications allowing you to tailor the watch vibrations to your desired contacts and there is the ability to mute your phone, and decline calls, from the watch.

· Track your fitness and health using the daily hundred setting and the hands will spin to the number of steps taken that day. As well as an facility for gentle reminders to get moving.

· With a phone tracking system, watch tracking system and remember this spot – your phone, watch or yourself will never be lost again!

· It is clever enough to take pictures from your phone meaning everyone can get in group photos and preserve the memories.

And as expertise advances new updates from your phone can allow the watch to delve deeper into the realms of intelligent technology! For example, IFTTT (if this then that) allows you to control almost everything from your watch – such as room lighting, calendar updates and even your garage door!

So come in store today for a demonstration of this fantastic new smart watch - as if you REALLY need any more convincing of its NECESSITY in your life!

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